Roles are uses to limit user access in different parts of your system, giving you peace of mind that things are only available to the ones that should have access. Our roles are incredibly fine-grained in that we allow you to toggle each and every action within the system on or off.
Cue Manager comes with 4 different roles by default:
- Administrator
- User
- Guest
Adding Roles #
You can add as many custom roles as you want. Simply navigate to Setup > Roles & Permissions and click the New button in the upper right corner.
Role Types #
There are 3 different role types that are applied to different user types:
- User roles are applied to system users
- Guest roles are applied to guests you invite into your system
- API roles are applied to API keys you create
Assigning Roles to Users #
To assign a role to a user, head over to Company > Users and follow these steps:
- Serach for and click on the user you wish to assign a role to
- Click the option dots in the left pane
- Click Edit
- Scroll down to the Role dropdown
- Select the role you wish to assign that user
- Click Save
Assigning Roles to Guests #
Guests are added at the project level, so assigning a role to a guest happens during this time. For more on adding a guest to a project collaborators list, please see Adding Guests as Project Collaborators.
If you would like to change the role of a guest on a particular project, simple go to that project and follow these steps:
- Find the Guest you wish to edit
- Click the option dots to the right
- Click Edit
- Select the role you wish to assign that guest
- Click Save
Assigning Roles to API Keys #
To assign a role to an API key, head to Setup > Integrations > API, click Edit, and follow these steps:
- Scroll down to the API key you wish to assign a role to
- Click the option dots on the right
- Click Edit
- Select the role you wish to assign that API key
- Click Save